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Below is a list of champions and their release dates:

Champion Name Release Date
Annie 02-21-2009
Ashe 02-21-2009
Fiddlesticks 02-21-2009
Alistar 02-21-2009
Kayle 02-21-2009
Jax 02-21-2009
Master Yi 02-21-2009
Morgana 02-21-2009
Nunu 02-21-2009
Ryze 02-21-2009
Sion 02-21-2009
Sivir 02-21-2009
Soraka 02-21-2009
Teemo 02-21-2009
Tristana 02-21-2009
Twisted Fate 02-21-2009
Warwick 02-21-2009
Singed 04-18-2009
Zilean 04-18-2009
Evelynn 05-01-2009
Twitch 05-01-2009
Tryndamere 05-01-2009
Karthus 06-12-2009
Cho'Gath 06-26-2009
Amumu 06-26-2009
Anivia 07-10-2009
Rammus 07-10-2009
Veigar 07-24-2009
Kassadin 08-07-2009
Gangplank 08-19-2009
Taric 08-19-2009
Malphite 09-02-2009
Janna 09-02-2009
Katarina 09-19-2009
Corki 09-19-2009
Nasus 10-01-2009
Heimerdinger 10-10-2009
Shaco 10-10-2009
Udyr 12-02-2009
Nidalee 12-17-2009
Poppy 01-13-2010
Gragas 02-02-2010
Pantheon 02-02-2010
Mordekaiser 02-24-2010
Ezreal 03-16-2010
Shen 03-24-2010
Kennen 04-08-2010
Garen 04-27-2010
Akali 05-11-2010

This page is a WIP. The idea is to have a full champion list, with each champion name linking to a page describing the champions abilities.