Posted: Mon May 21, 2007 08:34
OMFG i hit the jackpot and got into my old account... WOOHOO... and wow.. this looks way cooler with the planet and stuff.... I wonder why my Chatrence account was so bland.....
OMFG i hit the jackpot and got into my old account... WOOHOO... and wow.. this looks way cooler with the planet and stuff.... I wonder why my Chatrence account was so bland.....
scratch that bland comment, found it in the profile...
Lol, yeah Zed matches the rest of my site, so it is the default. I actually prefer it over Solaris.
but Solaris is sooooooo coool!!!
Do you want your username adjusted? If so let me know. Also, do you want your two usernames combined into one? That would give you the correct total post count and access to edit posts made from either account.